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Assemblea Annuale 2023 10 - 11 Febbraio 2023


Donare è un gesto semplice che può salvare la vita a molte persone

Far parte di AVIS

Far parte di AVIS significa anche poter dare il proprio contributo in tantissime iniziative

Recent Works

Gordon Dunn, a famed scientific pioneer, is mysteriously found dead just after the unveiling of his newest work, a groundbreaking device able to extract, record and play a person’s unfiltered memories. After his death, Gordon’s reclusive wife, Carolyn.

Giornata Mondiale del Donatore

Benemerenze 2019

40 anni di Avis Soveria Mannelli


Benemerenze 2018


About Us

Gordon Dunn, a famed scientific pioneer, is mysteriously found dead just after the unveiling of his newest work, a groundbreaking device able to extract, record and play a person’s unfiltered memories. After his death, Gordon’s reclusive wife, Carolyn.


Donare una parte di sé

Donare il sangue è un gesto concreto di solidarietà. Significa letteralmente donare una parte di sè a qualcuno che sta soffrendo,  agire per il bene della comunità e per la salvaguardia della vita.

Dovere civico

Sangue patrimonio collettivo

Donare il sangue è innanzitutto un dovere civico, la disponibilità di sangue è infatti un patrimonio collettivo a cui ognuno di noi può attingere in caso di necessità e in ogni momento.

Riserva di sangue

Garanzia per la salute di tutti

Una riserva di sangue che soddisfi il fabbisogno della nostra comunità è quindi una garanzia per la salute di tutti, donne, uomini, giovani, vecchi, bambini, compresi noi stessi e le persone che ci sono più care.


Uso quotidiano

l sangue e gli emocomponenti sono un’esigenza quotidiana che diventa tragica ogni volta che il sangue manca, non solo in caso eventi eccezionali quali terremoti, disastri o incidenti, ma anche e soprattutto nella gestione ordinaria dell’attività sanitaria:nell’esecuzione di trapianti e di vari interventi chirurgici, nei servizi di primo soccorso, nelle terapie oncologiche contro tumori e leucemie, nella combinazione dei farmaci plasmaderivati, chiamati non a caso anche farmaci salvavita, utilizzati per contrastare patologie importanti quali anemie croniche, emofilia, malattie del fegato, deficit immunologici o nella profilassi di infezioni come il tetano e l’epatite B.

Donazione periodica


AVIS annovera tra le proprie file solo donatori periodici cioè donatori che a intervalli di tempo regolari si recano presso le strutture trasfusionali per donare il loro sangue. A differenza dei donatori occasionali, i donatori periodici sono molto più controllati dal punto di vista medico. Ad ogni donazione vengono infatti sottoposti ad un’accurata visita di idoneità fisica e il loro sangue, prima di essere validato, viene attentamente analizzato per di tenere sotto controllo la salute del donatore e la qualità del sangue.

Presidi terapeutici

Il sangue non è sostituibile

Il sangue e i suoi componenti sono quindi presidi terapeutici indispensabili per la vita e purtroppo non sono riproducibili in laboratorio.

Ciò significa che non esistono ad oggi alternative possibili alla donazione e se vogliamo una Sanità capace di prendersi cura di noi, non possiamo far appello solo sulla scienza e sulla medicina ma dobbiamo dare il nostro contributo.

Our Team

In a world where superheroes have been real for decades, an accountant with zero powers comes to realize his city is owned by a super villain. Two overly imaginative pranksters named George and Harold hypnotize their principal into thinking.

Ikke Nurjanah


The police are investigating the situation as a missing child, and only her husband and brother. The police are investigating the situation as a missing child, and only her husband and brother.

Susi Susanto

Web Developer

The police are investigating the situation as a missing child, and only her husband and brother. The police are investigating the situation as a missing child, and only her husband and brother.

Pia Bali

Web Designer

The police are investigating the situation as a missing child, and only her husband and brother. The police are investigating the situation as a missing child, and only her husband and brother.

Anna Marisa

UIX Designer

The police are investigating the situation as a missing child, and only her husband and brother. The police are investigating the situation as a missing child, and only her husband and brother.

Our Services

In a world where superheroes have been real for decades, an accountant with zero powers comes to realize his city is owned by a super villain. Two overly imaginative pranksters named George and Harold hypnotize their principal into thinking.

Web Design

Famous to billion

In a world where superheroes have been real for decades, an accountant with zero powers comes to realize his city is owned by a super villain.

Two overly imaginative pranksters named George and Harold hypnotize their principal into thinking he’s a ridiculously enthusiastic, incredibly dimwitted superhero named Captain Underpants.

Brand & Identity

Overly imaginative p

In a world where superheroes have been real for decades, an accountant with zero powers comes to realize his city is owned by a super villain.

Two overly imaginative pranksters named George and Harold hypnotize their principal into thinking he’s a ridiculously enthusiastic, incredibly dimwitted superhero named Captain Underpants.

Web development

Superheroes have

In a world where superheroes have been real for decades, an accountant with zero powers comes to realize his city is owned by a super villain.

Two overly imaginative pranksters named George and Harold hypnotize their principal into thinking he’s a ridiculously enthusiastic, incredibly dimwitted superhero named Captain Underpants.

Online Marketing

For decades

In a world where superheroes have been real for decades, an accountant with zero powers comes to realize his city is owned by a super villain.

Two overly imaginative pranksters named George and Harold hypnotize their principal into thinking he’s a ridiculously enthusiastic, incredibly dimwitted superhero named Captain Underpants.

Site Security

Hypnotize their

In a world where superheroes have been real for decades, an accountant with zero powers comes to realize his city is owned by a super villain.

Two overly imaginative pranksters named George and Harold hypnotize their principal into thinking he’s a ridiculously enthusiastic, incredibly dimwitted superhero named Captain Underpants.

SEO Optimization

ridiculously enthusiastic

In a world where superheroes have been real for decades, an accountant with zero powers comes to realize his city is owned by a super villain.

Two overly imaginative pranksters named George and Harold hypnotize their principal into thinking he’s a ridiculously enthusiastic, incredibly dimwitted superhero named Captain Underpants.

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Contact Us

In a world where superheroes have been real for decades, an accountant with zero powers comes to realize his city is owned by a super villain. Two overly imaginative pranksters named George and Harold hypnotize their principal into thinking.

After the disappearance of a young scientist on a business trip, his son and wife struggle to cope, only to make a bizarre discovery years later one that may bring him home. Ali is chief of the homicide branch of the South African police in Cape Town. One of his staff is Brian Epkeen, a free-wheeling white officer whose family.